About Jewish Chicago: The JUF Magazine

If it matters to the Chicago-area Jewish community, it matters to Jewish Chicago: The JUF Magazine. Published by the Jewish United Fund, Jewish Chicago: The JUF Magazine is the Midwest’s largest-circulation Jewish community publication. The magazine offers features, profiles, news, and commentaries about key facets of Jewish life, learning, and culture—locally, in Israel, and around the world.

Jewish Chicago: The JUF Magazine Team
Cindy Sher is the Executive Editor of  JUF News. She is proud to have longevity with her career—especially considering her Gen X status—coming to work for the Jewish people and JUF just one month after her college graduation in 2000.Read More

Linda Haase is JUF’s Senior Associate Vice President of Marketing Communications. She previously held the position of Director of Media & Public Affairs for the American Cancer Society, Illinois Division; served as Public Information Officer for the Illinois Department of Public Health; and worked in the private sector.Read More

Paul Wieder has been the Associate Editor of JUF News since 2012. His JUF career began in the Marketing Communications department in 1994. Has been reviewing Jewish music and interviewing Jewish musicians since 1999, more recently in a blog and with podcasts.Read More

Stefanie Bregman is the Assistant Vice President of marketing communications at the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago and the co-founding Editor of Oy!Chicago. Read More

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